3 Signs You Are Working With The Best Soil Boring Company

Whether you are having the ground on your property tested for contamination for safety reasons or you are having the ground tested because you are planning a water well installation, soil boring could become a necessary part of that process. Soil boring involves using a drill or hand rig to drill into the ground and retrieve a sampling of the soil in a particular area.

Even though this process sounds pretty simple, there is actually a lot of room for error because great care must be taken to ensure the accuracy and protection of the sample taken. To ensure you are working with a soil boring company who is good at what they do, you should be watching for these few signs and measures. 

The soil boring expert uses steam to decontaminate the boring equipment. 

When testing the soil and ground, even the slightest amount of soil or contamination on the drill or drill rig can give improper readings. Therefore, it is absolutely crucial that all used tools are properly decontaminated before they go into the ground to retrieve a soil sample. It is common for soil borers to decontaminate before they get to a job site, but it is much more effective if the equipment is steam cleaned right on site just before it goes into the ground. 

The soil boring expert seals the borehole after harvesting a sample. 

Once a sample has been taken with a drill or rig fro the ground, it will leave an oblong opening in the ground. This hole should be sealed or filled in to prevent erosion of the soil and further contamination from the ground if the ground is indeed contaminated. Therefore, the most qualified soil boring expert will usually fill in bored holes with a neutral material, such as bentonite chips, before they leave your property.

The soil boring expert offers immediate and latent testing results. 

Many of the tests that will need to be performed can be done so right in the field with regular equipment that is portable enough for the purpose. However, some testing will need to be performed in a controlled laboratory environment to give you the most comprehensive look at the test results. Because of this, the best soil boring experts will give you some immediate results during field testing, but will also tell you that some results will take longer to receive from the lab. Contact a company, like Uni Tech Drilling Company Inc., for more help.
